Tag Archives: Scrap Metal Collection

Finding Metal Recycling Yards in Melbourne

scrap metal yards Melbourne

Scrap metal yards Melbourne are typically found in urban and suburban areas, both in close proximity to locations of heavy industry as well as near sizeable housing estates with easy road access for homeowners. These scrap yards are geared towards making it as easy and accessible as possible for tradesmen and homeowners to recycle their metals and save energy and minimise CO2 emissions into the wider environment.

The most common scrap metals that can be recycled at a scrap yard include copper, aluminium, lead and stainless steel. These are all valuable base metals that can be used to create a number of new products.

Most people have a pile of scrap that they’ve been holding on to for years. This can include electrical appliances, car parts, electrical wires, bicycles and household items.

Luckily, most scrap metal yards in Melbourne will pay you good money for these metals and can help you to declutter your home or business. Just make sure you separate your metals by type and you’ll get the most money for each pound you bring in.

Non-ferrous scrap metals are usually worth more per KG than ferrous scrap metals and can include aluminum, brass, copper, lead and nickel. These are commonly found in household goods and appliances, including doorknobs and handles, bed frames, faucets and serving trays.

One thing you’ll notice is that many scrap yards don’t take any sort of universally radioactive waste, including uranium, plutonium and mercury. So if you’re clearing a property that has any of these elements in it, it’s best to find another way to dispose of them before heading to a scrap yard.

There is an endless amount of metal in our homes and businesses that we can recycle for a bit of extra cash. You’ll find this material in almost everything from appliances and furniture to metal knick knacks.

The key to getting the most out of your scrap is knowing where to look for it. For example, you’ll find stainless steel sinks and taps as well as brass pots and pans around your home that are worth taking to a scrap yard for recycling.

Aluminium – This versatile metal is regularly used for roofing and guttering materials as well as in electrical wires and air conditioning units. It’s also a popular choice for scrap yards due to its ability to be recycled within a short period of time.

Copper – Another popular option at the scrap metal yard, copper is frequently found in wiring and cookware. It’s a fairly soft metal that is often pinkish or red in colour, depending on how it has been treated.

Stainless Steel

Known for its durability, stainless steel is often seen in cutlery, appliances and automobiles. This metal doesn’t rust or stain as easily as other types of metal and is highly valued at the scrap yard.


Generally yellow in colour, brass is also commonly found on light fittings and door handles as well as plumbing fixtures. It is one of the highest paying non-ferrous metals and will pay more than aluminium if you have a large enough quantity to bring to a metal recycler.

If you are looking for scrap metal in South Melbourne, feel free Contact with Afresh Metals